Blue Hawaiian Cleanse is the world’s first coconut-based colon cleanser. Over the counter laxatives dehydrate the body at an accelerated rate.

This unnatural state inhibits proper digestion.
Blue Hawaiian Cleanse is a NATURAL colon cleanser that won’t dehydrate you.

Blue Hawaiian Cleanse is the world’s first coconut-based colon cleanser. Over the counter laxatives dehydrate the body at an accelerated rate.

This unnatural state inhibits proper digestion.
Blue Hawaiian Cleanse is a NATURAL colon cleanser that won’t dehydrate you.

Coconut Oil Super Powers According to Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz recently commented on the many benefits of coconut oil. It not only has health benefits for your skin, but serves as gentle, all-natural, non-dehydrating laxative. Our proprietary blend makes Blue Hawaiian Cleanse one of a kind!

Let's get healthy

Blue Hawaiian Cleanse contains more than simply the health-benefits of pure coconut oil. With our proprietary blend of flax seeds, Senna leaves, Psylium husks, aloe and over a dozen other natural ingredients, you can be assured of not only cleaning your colon naturally, but do so without the dangers of a diuretic laxative.

Assists Digestion and Absorption

Coconut oil is easy to digest, making it useful if you suffer from digestive and absorption difficulties. The digestion process of medium chain triglycerides begins as soon as contact is made with the saliva and gastric juices, according to Dr. Fife in an article on the Coconut Research Center. This, Fife explained, places less strain on the pancreas and digestive system. Parasitic infections, Fife explained, can also result in absorption and digestion problems and mineral deficiencies long after the parasites have been destroyed. Cleansing your colon with coconut oil can help restore lost nutrition.

Is Coconut Oil Over-Hyped “Snake Oil?”

If you haven’t noticed lately, the western world is on a bit of a coconut oil kick. It’s in all the popular blogs—from nutrition to hair care—and it’s no longer difficult to find a few different varieties of the oil in normal grocery stores. This is a good thing. Coconut oil should have never been demonized, as it was, and deserves a top spot in the natural health world.

Why Coconut?

According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut is a rich source of fiber and nutrition. Its oil differs from other dietary types as it is largely made up of medium chain triglycerides, or medium chain fatty acids, as opposed to long chain triglycerides. These have been proven helpful in improving nutrition absorption and eliminating parasitic infections. Coconut oil’s antimicrobial properties also prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungal infections such as candidiasis, making coconut oil a useful method for colon cleansing.

Coconut oil is mainly composed of medium chain triglycerides, or MCT’s, such as lauric acid. These are similar to MCTs found in breast milk, according to Dr. Bruce Fife, in an article on the Coconut Research Center website. Fife highlighted the benefits of MCTs in aiding digestion and strengthening the immune system to fight bacterial, parasitic and fungal infections. Fife also explained that medium chain triglycerides transform into antimicrobial agents in your digestive tract. These antimicrobials help kill bad bacteria while leaving good bacteria intact, to re-establish balance in the digestive tract and promote colon health.

Coconut oil may not only help cleanse your colon, it can possibly counteract digestive disorders and nutritional deficiencies common in inflammatory bowel diseases. Crohn’s disease, a digestive disorder, starts in the ileum and can spread throughout the colon and small intestines and, according to an article on the National Digestive Disease Clearinghouse website, Crohn’s disease inflames and irritates the digestive tract causing ulcerations, fistulas, infections and diarrhea. Some symptoms of Crohn’s disease can lead to digestion and absorption disorders and nutritional deficiencies. Sufferers of Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome have reported a relief of symptoms upon eating coconut macaroons, according to an article in the Healthy Ways Newsletter. The article suggests this response is due to the short chain fatty acids found in the fiber of coconut meat.

Coconut oil is easy to digest, making it useful if you suffer from digestive and absorption difficulties. The digestion process of medium chain triglycerides begins as soon as contact is made with the saliva and gastric juices, according to Dr. Fife in an article on the Coconut Research Center. This, Fife explained, places less strain on the pancreas and digestive system. Parasitic infections, Fife explained, can also result in absorption and digestion problems and mineral deficiencies long after the parasites have been destroyed. Cleansing your colon with coconut oil can help restore lost nutrition.